The Legend of the Titan
Not everyone is fortunate enough to be a football Titan at Harry Ainlay. It take hours of dedication, physical strength to keep going when the body says stop, a strong will to persevere and a mental toughness to work harder than your competition day after day. It’s not easy having a target on your back and bruises from head to toe, but for an Ainlay Titan, it’s the norm. Those that have earned the opportunity to call themself a Titan have achieved the highest standard in high school football. They have repeatedly risen to the challenge. They have competed at the highest level in Canadian High School Football. These ballers are truly Titan Legends.
And this, this is where the Legends Live.

2023 Senior Titan Gallery
Relive all of the action of the 2023 Season here. From the Battle of the Border against Canada’s #1 ranked Miller Marauders from Regina, to the City Championship win – it’s all memorialized here.
Thank you to Nicole Lindberg Photography for capturing these great shots. Big thanks to Brody Grue for his Homecoming shots!

PRESEASON WEEK 1: Titans at Lethbridge Rams (LCI)
Titans score their first victory of the season with a commanding 40 – 14 performance.
WIN: 40 – 14

BATTLE OF THE BORDER: Preseason: Miller Marauders (Regina) at Titans
The #1 Canadian ranked high school team, Regina’s Miller Marauders, took to Foote Field September 2nd, 2023 for an epic Battle of the Border between Saskatchewan and Alberta. The game was tight with the Titans trailing in the 4th quarter, but with seconds left on the clock, QB Jacob Galbraith sailed one into the end zone for a Titans touchdown. That last minute score tied the Titans and the Marauders, helping the Titans to climb the national rankings.
TIE: 23 – 23

WEEK 1: Titans at Bev Facey Falcons Sept 8/23
The Titans hit the field at Emerald Hills September 8th to face Sherwood Park’s Bev Facey Falcons. After a tight first half, the Titans shifted gears to clinch the victory.
WIN: 45 – 14

WEEK 2: Austin O'Brien Crusaders at Titans
In a dominant performance under the lights of Foote Field, the Titans secured Metro victory #2 with a near shut-out against a young AOB team.
WIN: 42-1

WEEK 3: Homecoming Salisbury Sabres at Titans
Blue waves swept the stands of Foote Field on September 22nd as the Titans hosted their arch-rivals from the Park, the Salisbury Sabres. The reigning City Champion Titans demonstrated their strength in a convincing shut out.
WIN: 39-0

WEEK 4: Titans at Jasper Place Rebels
In a game that had to be called half-way through the 3rd quarter due to player injury and concern, the Titans defense initiated the newly re-tiered JP Rebels, allowing only a single score. The game was called early but the Titans got the W.
WIN: 47 – 6

WEEK 5: Paul Kane Blues at Titans
Facing the recently re-tiered Blues from St. Albert on a gorgeous October evening, the Paul Kane Blues gave a strong showing against the Titan powerhouse, but fell short of the win.
WIN: 38 – 7

WEEK 6: Titans at Ross Sheppard Thunderbirds
The Thunderbirds, coming off a winless 2022 season, were hungry to put a win on the board, but they fell short against the faster, more athletic, and more physical Titans. The team has made a Head Coach change for the 2024 season, so we look forward to seeing what the outcome looks like on the field.
WIN: 43 – 3

WEEK 7: Spruce Grove Panthers at Titans
Coming off their Provincial Playoff run in 2022, the Panthers were expected to climb their way to the top again this season, but the cats were caged by the Titans defense for another shut-out this season.
WIN: 42 – 0

City Semi-Finals: Austin O'Brien Crusaders at Titans
The #1 Metro ranked Titans downed the AOB Crusaders in semi-final action at the Johnny Bright Bowl in convincing fashion.
WIN: 42 – 6
City CHAMPIONSHIP: Paul Kane Blues at Titans
Titans continue to sweep the 2023 season with the succesful defense of their City Championship title. The Titans showed no mercy coming out with a strong 26 – 0 lead at the half. The defense allowed only one score to earn the Championship title with authority.

ASAA Provincial Semi-Finals
The #2 provincially ranked Titans came off a bye week to face a well prepared and well-coached Griffins team in provincial playoff action. The first half saw Ernest Manning’s offense pick apart the Ainlay defense but the Titans battled back with a TD to start the second half. Called back touchdowns, penalties, strong DB coverage, and a wiley Griffin QB was just too much for the Titans to overcome this day. The Ernest Manning Griffins went on to win the 2023 Brian Fryer Tier 1 Provincial Championship.
DEFEAT: 10 – 28
2023 Junior Harry Ainlay Titans
Thank you to Dominic Trent for capturing this amazing season in photos.
Click here for the 2023 JUNIOR ROSTER

2023 Junior Titan Gallery
It all starts here. Few Titans are lucky enough to start on the varsity team. For most, their high school football career starts as a teammate on the Junior squad. Here, technical expertise, football IQ, and physicality are practiced by both experienced and rookie athletes. The depth and success of the Titan Football Program is dependent on having a strong Junior program. The Junior Titan team is tough – and would likely give some of the Senior teams a challenge.
The development and growth that the Titans gain at the Junior level prepares them for the quicker, stronger pace faced at the Senior level.
Thank you to Dominic Trent for capturing this amazing season in photos

Week 1: St. Francis Xavier Rams at Titans
The Titans kicked off the Junior season on September 13th with a match up against the always competitive Rams. It was closer than the score indicated, but the Titans pulled off the victory.
WIN 22 – 7

Week 2: Titans at Austin O'Brien Crusaders
In convincing style, the Titans ran away with a big win over AOB.
WIN: 44 – 8

Week 3: Titans at Ross Sheppard Thunderbirds
The Titans squared off against the T-Birds at the JP Bowl under the lights September 27th. In a much closer battle, the Titans fought to put up another
WIN 34 – 24

Week 4: Bev Facey Falcons at Titans
In a tight match up under the lights on a cool, October 4th evening, the Titans hit the endzone enough times to come out Victorious again.
WIN 23 – 14

Week 5: Titans at Jasper Place Rebels
Titans faced the newly re-born Junior Rebels team in an anticipated week 5 match up. In 2022, the Rebels shut down their Senior Team to comence the rebuild of their football program. They ran only a Junior team. This season, Jasper Place added back the Senior level team, potentially splitting their player pool. Still a work in progress, their Jr team fell scoreless to the Titans.
WIN 32 – 0

Week 6: Bellerose Bulldogs at Titans
In the final regular season game of the year, St. Albert’s Bellerose Bulldogs took to the field against our Titans. It was a battle on the gridiron with our Titans trailing in the final minutes of the 4th quarter, but with only 20 seconds left in the game, your Titans score!!! The Titans remain undefeated in regular season action.
WIN: 24 – 21

City Semi-Final Playoffs: St. Francis Rams at Titans
4th place St. Francis Xavier gave your 1ST PLACE TITANS reason to sweat with only a 10-9 lead in the 3rd quarter, but the never-give-up-attitude of your Junior Titans allowed them to battle back with a dominant finish to the game, putting up 14 unanswered points in the 2nd half. As the St. Francis Rams pack in their season, Titans are gearing up for the Championship against the Bellerose Bulldogs.
WIN: 24 – 9

City Championships: Bellerose Bulldogs at Titans
In this final match of the season, the dogs came out strong, putting up a 14 – 0 lead in the first quarter. The Titans battled back, to tie the game and send it into OVERTIME. In one of the most nail-biting finishes to the season, your Titans fell just short of the goalline. Submitting defeat 38 – 44 to a strong Bellerose team.
LOSS: 38 – 44

2022 Senior Titan Gallery
Walk down memory lane with the Titan Legends of 2022. Your Titans went undefeated in regular season action. They rolled through Metro playoffs. In a strong playoff run at the provincial level, the Titans were strong and still undefeated. Some confusion with the newly installed systems in the final game of the year resulted in heartbreak. Titans suffered a staggering defeat at the hands of a talented, Raymond Comet team. Titans finished the 2022 season #2 in the province.
Thank you to Nicole Lindberg Photography for capturing our season!

PRESEASON 1: Titans at Raymond Comets
Titans faced a daunting day of bus travel to the bustling town of Raymond in southern Alberta. They missed dinner due to travel delays, faced multiple delays to the game due to weather, and had to contend with not one, not two, but 3 power outages that stopped game play! It may not have been pretty, but it was effective.

PRESEASON 2: HOMECOMING: St. Francis Browns at Titans
The perpetually strong Browns made the trip north to challenge the 2022 roster of Titans in preseason game #2. Dubbed the Titans WHITEOUT Homecoming, the game was hugely attended. Half time performances by local Gymnast crew topped off another Titans victory.

WEEK 1: Cancelled
The week 1 match up slated between the Harry Ainlay Titans and the Jasper Place Rebels was cancelled due to late changes by the Rebels. Rebels pulled their senior team from the league in favor of running a Junior team only as the Rebels look to rebuild their program. Titans enjoyed a bye week to start the season.

WEEK 2: Titans vs. Bellerose Bulldogs
In their first Metro Athletics league game, the Titans defense bulldozed the Bulldogs in a shut-out as the offense held a clinic in play action on their way to a 54-0 victory.
WEEK 3: Titans vs. Parkland Panthers
It’s officially a hat-trick. The Titans capped off their 3rd victory of the season with a win over Josh Page and the Spruce Grove Panthers.

WEEK 4: Titans vs. Austin O'Brien Crusaders
This Titan defense is TOUGH! The defense offered up another shut-out against the AOB Crusaders on their way to a 43-0 victory.

WEEK 5: Titans vs. Ross Sheppard Thunderbirds
You guessed it – the Titans defense put up another goose-egg for the T-Birds on their way to a dominant 70-0 win.

WEEK 6: Titans vs. Bev Facey Falcons
The Falcons created some tension for Titan fans with a very close first half of this football game. Discipline, technique, and a solid game plan kept it close, but the athleticism of the Titans, and the relentless Titan defense ultimately prevailed.

WEEK 7: Titans vs. Salisbury Sabres
It’s never an easy match up when the Titans battle the Sabres. This matchup was no different. Both teams moved the ball faily effectively, although the Sabres could have used another target in the receiving core if they wanted to test the Titan defense. It was close, but the Titans finished their Metro Athletics Carr division 2022 season undefeated.

Metro Semi-Finals: Parkland Panthers at Titans
The Panthers brought the heat to this semi-final match up, connecting deep with receivers more than once to score against the tough Titan defense. More points were scored against this defense in this game, than all season combined. But the Panthers could not slow down the Titan targets that kept the defense guessing.

Metro City Championships: Titans vs. Sal
The saga between the Harry Ainlay Titans and the Salisbury Sabres continued in a rematch at Commonwealth Stadium. In an epic battle of weather (the field had to be cleared at half time and after each game) and strength, the Titans fought hard to keep the Sabres out of the end zone. Continuing to dominate defensively and the offense clicking on all cylinders, the Titans achieved the 2022 City Championship honors.
WIN 40-14

Provincial Semi-Final Playoffs: Titans vs. Salisbury Sabres
For teh 3rd time in the 2022 season and the 2nd time in less than a month, the Titans kicked off their Provincial Playoff run against Sherwood Park’s Salisbury Sabres. The Titans didn’t lose any momentum in making it a hat-trick of wins against Sal this season.

ASAA Brian Fryer Tier 1 Championship: Titans vs. Raymond Comets
The 2022 Football Season ended the same way that it started: Titans vs. Raymond Comets. Well, sort of. The Titans defense had a very different look in this game than in the others. The team swapped their 4-man front for a 3 man version to add pass protection in the secondary, however confusion and a lack of pressure on the Raymond QB allowed Raymond to take a commanding lead in hte first half. The 2nd half brought more success as we saw the Titans revert to a 4-3 defense with some personnel changes that slowed down the Comets. Missed catches and lost opportunities plagued the offense throughout the game and the Titans succumbed to an athletic and well coached Raymond team.
2021 SEASON Senior Titans
Remember the first season of football after Covid-19? Well, we do. Reminisce each play and every game with a return to 2021.
The 2021 Senior Roster is missing… if you have a copy, please share it with us!
Thank you to Nicole Lindberg Photography for braving the weather, and the sidelines, for these great shots.

2021 PRESEASON 1: Titans vs. Raymond Comets
It was a battle of the nerves as both teams got off to a slow start in this match of north vs. south. Ultimately your Titans were victorious.

WEEK 1, HOMECOMING: Ross Sheppard Thunderbirds at Titans
Football is BACK! Fans packed Foote Field as the #1 Alberta ranked Titans hosted the Ross Shep T-birds. Fans for both teams packed the field to cheer for their favorite shade of blue. The special teams and offense of the Titans provded to be too much for the Thunderbirds to handle as the Titans dominated.

WEEK 2: Parkland Panthers at Titans
Increasing Covid-19 cases on September 17th, 2021 meant that the U of A felt it was necessary to ban fans from Foote Field as the Titans hosted the Parkland Panthers. With quick thinking, the game was streamed by Metro Athletics to allow fans to see their team play. Despite the lack of fans in the stands, the Titans defense proved to be too much for the Panthers to handle, allowing only one TD all game.

WEEK 3: Titans at Salisbury Sabres
The battle between the Sabres and the Titans is always intense, and this game was no different. Strong players,

WEEK 4: Titans vs. Bellerose Bulldogs
Blue and white took to the field in St. Albert to face the Bellerose Bulldogs in a David vs. Goliath match up. Goliath was victorious.

WEEK 5: Titans vs. Jasper Place Rebels
In what would be the last season in the Carr division for the Senior JP Rebels before taking a hiatus to start rebuilding their program, the Rebels fell to a powerhouse Titan performance.

WEEK 6: Bev Facey Falcons at Titans
Falcons faced the Titans under the lights of Foote Field in a very close first half game. Bev Facey showed great technique and composure as they faced the highly acclaimed Titan team, but Facey just couldn’t keep up in the 2nd half. The depth of the Titan roster was just too hot to handle.

WEEK 7: Austin O'Brien Crusaders vs. Titans
The smaller AOB squad showed heart and hustle as they competed against the larger, tier 1 Titans, falling short at the end of the 4th to the Titans.

Metro Semi-Final: Parkland Panthers at Titans
If the first meeting in the 2021 season was any indication, the Panthers needed to find a way to slow down the strong Titan defense to give their QB time. Although this rematch was more competitive, the Panthers just couldn’t find enough arsenal to stop the D. Titans advance.

Metro City Final Championships: Salisbury Sabres vs. Titans
After a strong season filled with success and achievement, the wheels fell off the bus for the Titans. Overthrown passes, missed catches, and mis-fires all over the offense turned over the ball 6 times. The consistency of the defense kept the Titans in it, but they ultimately succumbed to their self-inflicted wounds. Thankfully the season continues as the Titans advance to ASAA Provincial Playoffs.

ASAA Provincial Semi-Finals: Titans at Notre Dame (Calgary)
The loss in the City Championship resulted in the Titans falling to #3 in the province and meant a road trip south to face Calgary’s Notre Dame team. Sun pushed through the sky as the team emerged on Calgary and the Gods must have been smiling as the Titans walked away with a hard fought victory.

ASAA Brian Fryer Tier 1 Championship Final: St. Francis Browns at Titans
The battle for Aberta 2021 unfolded for all tiers at Commonwealth Stadium for the first time in high school history. This was also the 1st year of the Brian Fryer Tier 1 Elite Championship which featured the Titans and Calgary’s St. Francis Browns whom had “upset” the Salisbury Sabres in semi-final action. The first half of this final saw back and forth action filled with nerves and close scores. With seconds left in the second half, the Titans defense made two huge stops at the goal line, and recovered a fumble to save their small lead going into halftime. The 3rd quarter saw a more focused Titan offense and as the 2nd half continued, so did the momentum of the Titans, culminating in the first ever Brian Fryer Tier 1 ASAA Provincial Title.
WIN: ASAA Brian Fryer Tier 1 Champions